Friday, December 17, 2010

Secret Santa

Today I checked my email and was brought to tears. Jenny, AKA The Bloggess (@thebloggess on Twitter) has officially earned the status of Saint. If you are unfamiliar with the happenings, in a nutshell here's the scoop: Jenny had $30 gift cards for the first 20 people to comment, people that were having a hard time making ends meet, folks, like me, that would love to give their child(ren)/husband/wife/significant other at least one real gift for Christmas. Those first 20 cards went like a breath of air. Quickly. Then donors started pouring in, to be met with more of those in need. This spread like wildfire. I was one of the fortunate that was paired with a Secret Santa. Nelda, AKA Secret Santa, I am eternally grateful to you. You are giving me an opportunity that would have most likely been near impossible. With bills piling up, the thought of Christmas literally around the corner, plus the knowledge I couldn't really do anything for my daughter, let alone my husband for gifts was killing me. Granted my husband is a saint and doesn't want anything, and my daughter is 16 months with grandparents that send gifts, I still felt it was my motherly/wifely duty to have something for them. And a dollar box of crayons with printer paper just wasn't going to cut it for me.
So, Jenny, Nelda, all you Secret Santas out there, a very big God bless you and thank you! Although, to me, this just doesn't feel like enough it is all I can do at the moment. But come next Christmas, please, please, please do get a hold of me, I want to pay my good fortune forward. By then, we should be back on our feet and stable.

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